The Ultimate Fuel for Sustainable Athletes

100% Vegan Protein

Green Peaks Vegan Protein is specially formulated to be the highest quality and most ethical protein powder available. Designed by extreme athletes and dietitians to create the best protein for you and our planet. Boasting 30g of protein per serving combined with all the vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds you need.

    Testimonial - @1legup Jake Dahreddine

    @green.peaks Vegan protein powder tastes great, has a great nutrient profile, and the small family-owned company shares the same ethics that made me choose to be vegan. The number one reason I am vegan is for the health of the environment. It also happens to be great for your body ~when done properly~. Jake Dahreddine, vegan body builder, stroke survivor, 4 year AK amputee

    Green Peaks Gear


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